Whether you are a vegan or vegetarian, in our Sarajevo guide for vegans and vegetarians, you shall find out more about where and what you can eat in Sarajevo.
Sarajevo Guide for Vegans and Vegetarians is designated for people who have that type of lifestyle. Coming to the Balkan area in general for vegans and vegetarians isn’t easy. Why? Balkan area isn’t quite familiar with vegan and vegetarian customs and the core of almost all of our dishes is MEAT. That is core in the tradition of Balkan countries in general, and Sarajevo is no different.
Only in the last decade have small steps are being taken to add something new to our food chain and to change the traditional way of consuming food. For that, we can thank the tourism and the tourist who is coming to Sarajevo in bigger and bigger numbers every year. With that in mind, a trend to satisfy their needs started, and with that, the revolution in cuisine was served in Sarajevo restaurants.
We kept our tradition as it is for sure one of the best in the Balkans if not the whole of Europe and the world but we added lots of diversity. Nowadays, in Sarajevo restaurants, you can find a lot of food and cuisines that are based on vegan and vegetarian menus. Asian food, in general, is becoming popular even with domestic people and we are witnessing more and more food chains opening and serving that type of food.
The majority of people in Sarajevo are starting to realize how much is there to offer and they see a possibility for themselves. They are changing their lifestyle and embarking on a new food journey. Everyone wants to try organic food, everyone wants to eat only vegetables and fruits and food which does not include meat in it at all. On the other hand, even though it is becoming more and more popular it is still a long way to go when it comes to tradition and meat.
People who decide not to consume any of the meat will surely have some difficulties finding their way around as there is not much information provided. Hence, we prepared this special blog to guide vegans and vegetarians, and ease your troubles while travelling and taking many local tours. That is why we wrote the Sarajevo guide for vegans and vegetarians.
Keep in mind that some of the places on this list also serve meat due to the tradition we were telling you about in the paragraphs above. Since it’s the main ingredient in the Bosnian kitchen, it’s unavoidable for restaurants not to serve any of it.
For all these places, you have addresses attached, along with the working hours and link to google maps, that way you can easily plan out your day. Here is Sarajevo Guide for Vegans and Vegetarians that the Meet Bosnia team crafted for You and we hope you’ll find it helpful!
In the heart of the city, this amazing restaurant is one of the rare places in Sarajevo where you can’t find meat or eggs. It offers a very interesting mix of vegetarian and Mediterranean cuisine. The owner of this amazing place will wish you a warm welcome and personally cook for you. If you have special wishes, the chef will recommend what to eat, so it will be suitable and according to your taste. Surely you will enjoy this cool place.
This unique restaurant will capture your heart. Additional note this is a non-smoking place. I do have to point out one more thing, and that’s the amazing talent and passion of the owner and the chef since this chef is pretty much the only person in the region that went to “Cordon-Vert” Vegetarian Cookery School in the UK. An extra point to the chef and high recommendations for this place.
With everything mentioned above, it is safe to say that Karuzo deserved to be #1 on the list for Sarajevo Guide for Vegans and Vegetarians, and hence, enjoy your meal at Karuzo!
Monday to Friday 12:00 PM – 11:00 PM
Saturday 06:00 PM – 11:00 PM
Second, on our Sarajevo guide for vegans and vegetarians list is restaurant Klopa. That is a slang term in the Bosnian language that signifies really good and really tasty food. The name definitely suits this restaurant as their Chefs make amazing dishes. The interior of this place is amazing, you are surrounded by flowers and wooden elements. As for the food, it’s irresistible.
They have veg options and gluten-free meals, but also meat offers. Italian, Mediterranean, Eastern, and Central European dishes, you name it they make it. I highly recommend this place as it corresponds with the Vegan and Vegetarian style of life and their needs. Thus, I had to add it to the Sarajevo Guide for Vegans and Vegetarians by Meet Bosnia.
You are in Sarajevo and you are searching for the best vegan or vegetarian restaurant in the city? Stroll around the city with our Sarajevo Free Walking Tour and we will explain to you and show you the best vegan/vegetarian restaurant from a local point of view.
Another amazing place on this Sarajevo Guide for Vegans and Vegetarians list. The name is literally translated as “Grandma’s Kitchen”, and everyone loves good old grandma’s cooking. This place has veg options but as you may have guessed it also serves meat.
Interesting thing is that this is a traditional Bosnian restaurant, but they serve hot vegan organic lunch vegan sweets and cakes. And you can even call ahead and make your order. A skilful chef will make you fall in love with this place. They have gluten-free, lactose-free, vegan, and vegetarian food but most importantly fresh food.
Shouldn’t the Taj Mahal be in India? Well, welcome to Bosnia and Herzegovina where all parts of the world are combined. Another place where food is suitable for Sarajevo guide for vegans and vegetarians. This is a very interesting place. As an Indian restaurant, they have a lot of vegetables included in their dishes.
Besides vegetables, the main secret to Indian cuisine is the very delicate usage of spices. So, if you are worried about food being too spicy, fear not. These Chefs know exactly how to make food taste like heaven. Veg options are available but they also serve meat. You can call them and get a take-out, but I’d suggest that you visit them. The place is very nice and has an authentic vibe to it.
Monday to Saturday 10:00 AM – 10:30 PM
Sunday 04:00 PM – 10:30 PM
Further on our Sarajevo guide for vegan and vegetarian places. Not really a food place but as the name suggest you can get some juices and smoothies here. This place can be found in the two biggest shopping centres in Sarajevo – BBI, and SCC. You can choose from a variety of juices and smoothies, with very attractive and creative names.
Personally, I can rarely make up my mind about what exactly to take, the menu is huge, but the nice ladies that work there always help me out while choosing my smoothie/juice. It’s refreshing during hot summer days and keeps you from getting cold during the winter.
Perfect for every season and every occasion. Maybe it is not actual food, but it can come in really handy if you lead that kind of lifestyle. Even though it is a bit atypical choice for the Sarajevo guide for vegans and vegetarians, Juice and smoothies should be on your bucket list.
Sarajevo Shopping Centre (SCC)
Monday to Friday 07:00 AM – 09:00 PM (Importanne Center)
Saturday and Sunday 10:00 AM – 06:00 PM (Importanne Center)
Monday to Sunday 08:00 AM – 10:00 PM (Sarajevo City Centre)
Monday to Friday 07:00 AM – 09:00 PM (BBI Center)
Saturday and Sunday 10:00 AM – 06:00 PM (BBI Center)
Monday to Friday 07:00 AM – 09:00 PM (Zagrebačka 4b)
Saturday and Sunday 10:00 AM – 06:00 PM (Zagrebačka 4b)
The new place for a healthy breakfast. Breakfast as the main meal of the day is the favourite for most people. In Kasahana you can order warm oatmeal with additions consisting of nuts, fresh fruits, nuts, homemade chia jam, etc. In addition, they offer chia pudding and sandwiches/toast on homemade avocado bread and nuts and fresh fruit.
They use mostly local products. Porridge contains everything you need to feed your body, so this place can be a great start to your day. It seems like quite unconventional food but it is really nutritive and really healthy too and that was the main reason why we added Kasahana to our Sarajevo guide for vegans and vegetarians.
If that is the case, you recommend you to book our Fall of Yugoslavia | Sarajevo siege tour.
This is our most popular tour and it is especially dedicated as a name says, to the Fall of Yugoslavia, one of the best and greatest countries in Europe at the time. With our experienced Sarajevo local guides, you will be able to understand better the rich and sometimes violent history of this city and the whole Balkan region.
In this Sarajevo guide for vegans and vegetarians, hopefully, you have found enough information for your yummy stay in Sarajevo. Looking back around 5 years ago, you wouldn’t have this much choice when it comes to restaurant offers for vegans or vegetarians, but since Sarajevo keeps in line with other European city trends, many restaurant owners decided to modify their menus.
Vegan and vegetarian food is coming into the stores also! Great news, you can buy meals like the famous “hummus” in almost every store. That is really interesting since chickpeas are not really a part of traditional Bosnian cuisine. What we can also mention is that newer generations are more likely to try something new, rather than eat traditional food.
So, every time you come to Sarajevo, make sure to read our “Sarajevo guide for vegans and vegetarians” and save time spent on Google searching for good eating options.
Follow us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts where we regularly post our activities. Looking forward to hearing from you!
If you are a traveller who would like to add something to our Sarajevo guide for vegans and vegetarians, make sure to contact us with the message subject “Sarajevo guide for vegans and vegetarians” and we will happily get in touch with you.