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Srebrenica genocide | Worst European atrocity since WWII

What happened in Srebrenica?

Srebrenica genocide

The Srebrenica genocide is the worst atrocity in Europe since World War 2 and the whole of modern history. Learn more about this event in our article.

A version of this article by the late Graham Jones first appeared on CNN.com in 2006. “It is now remembered as the worst atrocity in Europe since World War II.” – CNN –

In a five-day orgy of the slaughter at Srebrenica in July 1995, up to 8,000 Muslims were systematically exterminated in what was described at the U.N. war crimes tribunal as “the triumph of evil.” Ratko Mladic former Bosnian Serb commander-in-chief who is accused of direct involvement in the Srebrebnica genocide was arrested on Thursday, 26th May, 2011, after more than 15 years on the run. Srebrenica was designated a U.N in 1995 as a “safe area.”

Srebrenica genocide cemetery
Srebrenica genocide - Potočari cemetery

A judge at The Hague tribunal was later to describe what happened there as “truly scenes from hell written on the darkest pages of human history.” Thousands of Bosnian Muslims had sought refuge in the spa town of Srebrenica in 1995 as the Bosnian Serb army marched towards them. Protected by just 100 lightly equipped Dutch peacekeepers – who proved no match for the advancing, heavily-armed Serb army.

Even if perhaps more than any other city in post-war Europe, Srebrenica became a global symbol of suffering and genocide, Srebrenica still has a lot to offer. In this small place, there are many attractions worth of visit, and our Srebrenica tour will help you.

Srebrenica tour

Srebrenica tour from Sarajevo | Greatest war crime after WW2

10 hours
Availability : Every day
Min Age : 5+
Max People : 20
(141 Reviews)
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Srebrenica genocide

Wonders of nature

Srebrenica mineral water is known as healing water from the time of the ancient Romans. They called it sources Domavija, and the whole area in this beautiful corner of Eastern Bosnia – Argentaria. And during the reign of the Turks, the fame of the healing water from the source of Javor Mountain spread.

Interestingly, today’s name of Srebrenica’s spa dates from these times. Turkish soldiers came to Srebrenica to be treated for leprosy, hence the name “Guber”.

Srebrenica genocide
Srebrenica genocide - Guber mineral water
Srebrenica genocide

Brief history facts

Srebrenica municipality is located in the northeastern part of the periphery of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Inside of a large middle course bend of the river Drina.

The first time Srebrenica is mentioned in Dubrovnik sources is in 1352, and then again in 1376. To the present day, the municipality of Srebrenica has always been very interesting.

Srebrenica genocide

Illyrians, Romans, and Slavic tribes

Let’s learn some of Srebrenica’s history with the Srebrenica tour. Evidenced by the remains of material culture from prehistoric times (Bronze and Iron Age). The centuries-old residence of the Illyrians in this area, and the early arrival of the ancient Romans. Also, it was settled by the Illyrian tribe Dindar. The exploitation of lead and silver, started by Illyrians, was the main motive for the arrival of the Romans in Srebrenica. The Romans built originally ‘Flavius town Malvesiatium’ upstream Skelani near the Drina.

Later they built the famous Domavia in Sase at the junction of the Mejdanski stream and river and Saška. With the arrival of the Slavic tribes in the sixth century, and at the beginning of the collapse of the Roman Empire, Domavija lost its significance. All the ancient cities were demolished. In this way, the epoch of advanced ancient life in these areas had ended. It is important to mention the presence of Franciscans in our city.

The Franciscans came to Bosnia in the late thirteenth century (1291). Later afterwards they build their first monastery in Srebrenica and by which later their monastery state was named Bosnia Srebrenica or Bosna Srebrena (Latin: Bosna Argentia). In the beginning, members of the Franciscan order were mostly foreigners (Germans, Hungarians, Italians). Later, owing to the demands of the Bosnian aristocracy, a local clergy became predominant.

In the municipality of Srebrenica 47 necropoleis were recorded with over 850 tombstones. Later studies in this field revealed the existence of another 6 necropolises which is to say the number of tombstones in this area is significantly higher. Tombstones are usually related to Bogomils – members of the Bosnian church, residents of the medieval Bosnian state.

Srebrenica genocide

Keepers of the past

In a relatively small radius, residues of the two old cities are standing as a reminder that life in Srebrenica lasted through centuries. This city has an incredible past, and this two silent, but yet, loud keepers are there to testify for it.

Srebrenica genocide

Old town of Klotjevac

Located on a cliff above the Drina, is the medieval town of Klotjevac. Both towers and the canvas that connects them are well preserved, as well as the building on the terrace, the so-called stables. On a hill called Jatara, in the area of the city, a dozen stećak tombstones have been preserved. Since most of the medieval Bosnian towns were built on hills, this town also had a defensive character. He had a good view of that part of the Drina canyon.

The fact that only 7 kilometres downstream there is another medieval fortress – the medieval town of Đurđevac, shows the historical importance of this area. The necropolises of stećak tombstones scattered in that area of the Srebrenica municipality, which gravitate around the town of Klotjevo, such as Mramorje near the villages of Ljeskovik, Zaelisije, Urisići, Lubničko Brdo, and others, show the continuity of life in this area for a long time. In the later period, Klotjevac was known for tanning leather that was sold and processed in Srebrenica. (Source: putovaobih.com)

Srebrenica genocide - Old town of Klotjevac
Srebrenica genocide - Old town of Klotjevac
Srebrenica genocide

Srebrenica fortress

The old town of Srebrenik is one of the best-preserved and best-located old towns in the vicinity of Srebrenica. It is located directly on the eastern hill above Srebrenica. It dates from the 12th century, and archaeological research has shown that it was demolished and built several times. In 2006, the old town of Srebrenik was declared a national monument of the first category. On the mountain slope, which gradually descends from the east towards the main settlement, on separate terraces, there are the remains of two fortresses. 

The lower town is dominated by better-preserved architecture of the Turkish era, while the upper or Old Town is all in ruins: the torso of the main tower and several smaller buildings are recognizable. The construction technique is undoubtedly medieval. It is not mentioned so often in written sources, but it is known that it served as a protection for the town of Srebrenica, which dates to the 14th and 15th centuries. was the most developed urban settlement in Bosnia. In 1776, the fortress of Srebrenik or the lower town was repaired. (Source: putovaobih.com)

Srebrenica genocide - Srebrenica fortress
Srebrenica genocide - Srebrenica fortress
Through this blog we’ve learned about Srebrenica genocide, but also, about amazing natural water source, about its incredible history and two of its old towns. Do you fancy visting Srebrenica after this text? If yes, you can book your Srebrenica tour right away.
Srebrenica tour

Srebrenica tour from Sarajevo | Greatest war crime after WW2

10 hours
Availability : Every day
Min Age : 5+
Max People : 20
(141 Reviews)
View Details

Srebrenica genocide is dedicated for anyone who wants to learn about the history and genocide that teared up our country and from which we still haven’t recovered completely. Life goes on that is the fact, and citizens of Srebrenica can confirm that.

That is the reason why we dedicated a majority of the Srebrenica genocide to the things for which we can guarantee you a lot of people even from Bosnia and Herzegovina do not know they even exist. There are a lot more sights about which we will write more about in the next chapter of our Srebrenica genocide posts.

The main idea behind the Srebrenica genocide post was to switch the focus from genocide and to speak about beautiful things that are situated in the area of the city and to present you a history of the city for which now you know it lasts from the bronze age.

Follow us on our Facebook and Instagram accounts where we regularly post our activities or get in touch with us and we will be your tour guides on a tour similar to Srebrenica tour while you are traveling through Bosnia and Herzegovina. Looking forward to hearing from you! 

If you are a traveler who would like to add something to our list, make sure you contact us with the message subject “Srebrenica genocide”. Looking forward to hearing from you!

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